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Work Experience

'What are the benefits of Work Experience?’

Work experience can provide many benefits:

  • It provides an opportunity for personal development as it helps students experience working with adults and in an adult way, being responsible for themselves and developing a range of skills, knowledge and attitudes that is relevant to adult life.
  • It may help students to choose the right sector to work in or conversely, decide against a certain career path.
  • It can offer the student the opportunity to gain experience of interacting with adults, on a level playing field, taking responsibility for themselves by arriving on time and also using their initiative to carry out some tasks independently. 
  • It helps to build useful skills that cannot be taught in the classroom.

As a student, one of the great things about gaining work experience is that it gives you the chance to try things out to see if they suit you. It encourages students to explore a career or some aspect of work in which they have expressed an interest.

Work experience also equips the student with knowledge that will enhance their future job applications and interviews because they have gained a better understanding of a particular sector.  It provides an opportunity to speak directly to people who are already doing the job within their working environment

Work placements can also be used as a kind of taster session for your chosen career where you can weigh up the pros and cons and consider whether that job is for you. Introducing students to the world of work can help them choose a future career, understand the work environment and prepare themselves for employment.

At UCC all students are expected to take part in a two week work experience placement during the end of the summer term of year 10. Students have historically attended a wide range of workplaces and feedback is always overwhelmingly positive both from students and employers. We use an external agency called Proactive Education to source student placements and conduct all required risk assessments and checks etc. for which a nominal fee is charged. However, students are able to source and secure their own placements if they prefer. Further information about work experience and the process is sent to parents in the autumn term of year 10.

Work Experience Opportunity

We have a fantastic Females of the Future in-person Work Experience Event with PwC taking place on Friday 24th February 1:30pm – 5pm at their East Midlands offices. This session is open to students in Y11 & Y12, interested in business, accounting or technology. It's going to be all about female empowerment in the workplace, diversity, and inclusion along with some brilliant skills workshops to help you progress your career after school. As well as this you will also hear about some of their fantastic school leaver and work experience opportunities. 
This is an exciting opportunity for you as a female to hear from some very senior leaders at one of the world's biggest companies as well as having the opportunity to network with business professionals. More details are below, and we hope this sounds like an exciting event. 
Females of the Future with PwC 
•Friday 24th February 1:30pm – 5pm – East Midlands offices 
•An exclusive insight to one of the world's largest professional services firms with lots of networking opportunities 
•Taking part in workshops and hearing from some senior female leaders at PwC
•An opportunity to find out about some of their school leaver and work experience opportunities
•Food and drinks will be provided 
•Limited spaces 

In-person events like this don’t come around that often so if you are interested in joining this event, please do sign up ASAP as we've got very limited places. 
Application Link:

Springpod offers a wide variety of virtual work experience opportunities throughout the year. Please register online to see what is available.