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Uppingham Community College is very proud of the standards it maintains with uniform. This is achieved through the partnership between the College and home. To enable you to support the college and your child, the full uniform requirements are listed below.

Uppingham Community College bespoke school uniform and PE kit is supplied by Kids & More – a well-established and experienced supplier of school uniform and PE kit in Rutland.

All items of uniform are of a high quality, hard-wearing and offer excellent value for money and can be purchased via

Kids & More

9 Crown Walk


Phone: 01572 771775



Opening times:

Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri 9:30am - 5:00pm

Saturday 9:30am - 4:00pm

Closed Thursday


NEW:  You can now order online via the Kids and More website!
Kids and More Online Shop

Appointments can be made by texting 07847531994 or email: 

The following bespoke items can only be purchased from our supplierKids & More’


Navy blue with College badge on pocket, single breasted, two-button blazer. The blazer must be worn at all times around the school site unless students are given permission to remove them.


Official UCC tie. Ties should not be tucked into shirts. The tie length should be at least to the belly button or waist. Ties are compulsory for all boys from Years 7 – 11, and every student in Years 7 and 8.


Black pleated skirt, regulation length, on or below the knee, obtainable only from school stockist. No other style of skirt is allowed.

The following, non-bespoke items can be purchased from local retailers OR from Kids & More.


Traditional-style black only.

Generous fit trousers or men's trousers black only.

Black one-clip trouser or stretch straight trousers.

No denim, cord, cotton, jegging-style or outer pockets are permitted.

Leggings of any sort are not permitted.


White buttoned shirt, which should be tucked in at all times.

Socks and tights

Plain black or dark coloured socks for boys and black tights and white or dark coloured socks for girls.


Shoes should be plain black and polishable only. Steel-capped or brown boots, stiletto heels, sling-back shoes, canvas shoes, suede shoes and trainers are not permitted – please see further clarification later in the booklet.

The following items can be worn in school but are restricted.

All outdoor wear including coats, scarves, hats can be worn to school.

All outdoor clothing must be removed inside the school building.

Please note HOODIES are not coats and are not acceptable.


Students may wear 2 pairs of plain or discreet stud earrings (2 in each ear).

Any necklaces worn must be hidden from view and removed if instructed for taking part in certain lessons, i.e., PE. One discreet nose stud is acceptable, but nose rings of any sort are not permitted.


Discreet make-up is permitted across all years, as are painted nails. However, fake, acrylic, and long, falsely extended nails are not permitted at all. Fake eyelashes are not permitted.


Extreme hairstyles, cut and colour are not allowed on any occasion. Examples of extreme hair styles would include ‘skinhead’ style, decoratively shaved (e.g., with patterns).

If parents are not sure what the College sees as ‘extreme’ they are advised to seek clarification before any styling or colouring is undertaken.

Students in proper uniform


Physical Education Uniform - Only available from Kids & More

  • UCC Logo T-shirt (compulsory)
  • Mid-Layer Zip Top (compulsory) 

Minimum of one compulsory item from the list below:

  • Shorts – navy blue with sky panel

  • Skort - navy blue with sky panel

  • Leggings - navy blue

  • Pro Track Pants - navy blue with sky panel

Sports Footwear

  • Boots suitable for accessing the field in wet conditions and use of the Astroturf (moulded studs)

  • Trainers for indoor use (with light or non-marking soles).


  • Shin pads (Advised for sports such as football and hockey)

  • Gum Shields (Compulsory for Rugby games)

Unacceptable items

Jewellery must not be worn in PE lessons.

Students with long hair must tie up their hair.

Hoodies are not suitable for PE and should not be worn.

Coats are not accepted in lessons unless the teacher deems them suitable due to adverse weather conditions.

Please note:

Students are reminded that they should bring their PE kit to all PE lessons (even if injured).

If students are unable to take part in a practical way, they will be expected to play a full part in the lesson in a non-practical role, for example as a coach, umpire or match reporter to ensure that they still get the most out of the lesson.
Students in PE uniform

What happens if a student arrives in non-school Uniform?

If a student arrives at school with incorrect uniform, in the first instance they will be taken to the study room by a member of staff and offered a spare item of core clothing, to replace the incorrect or missing item.  This includes footwear, blazers, ties and skirts.

If your child has a suitable exemption for wearing non-uniform such as an injury or medical issue, parents must contact the form tutor via email or provide a written note with your contact details so an exemption card can be issued.

Should the student refuse to wear the item(s) they have been offered, they will work in the Study Room on the work for their lessons and will not be able to mix socially with their peers at break or lunchtime for the duration of that day.  Equally, if a student refuses to remove a prohibited item such as a hoody, nose ring or dangly earrings, they will also work in the study room, until the item has been removed.

Please note, unacceptable jewellery will be confiscated and placed in student services until the end of the school day when it can then be collected.

The Head of School’s decision on acceptable uniform is final.

          Acceptable female uniform    Acceptable male uniform                 

Acceptable Footwear

Examples of shoe styles that are acceptable and suitable to be worn as part of the College uniform. Black and polishable shoes are our guiding principle.

Acceptable shoe styles


Unacceptable Footwear

Examples of unacceptable styles that must not be worn. For example, black or dark trainers, ballet pumps and canvas pumps, along with brown or steel toe-capped boots.

Unacceptable shoe styles