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Student Council


Meeting of people in library

Purpose of the UCC Student Council

  • The link between the student body and the senior staff.

  • A way for students to share ideas and raise issues.

  • Our focus is on improving the student experience for all.

How Student Council works at UCC

  • The Year 11 Head Students lead and run the Student Council.

  • Each tutor group elects a form rep to be on the Student Council.

  • Form reps attend meetings to discuss issues and bring ideas from their tutor group.

  • There are also Year Representatives who attend additional meetings with Senior Teachers.

Applying to be part of the Student Council

Students who are interested in being on the Student Council can apply in the Autumn Term by writing an anonymous letter to their tutor group. These letters are then read by the form tutor and an election takes place.

Students who secure the position of Form Representative can then put themselves forward as Year Representatives. This position holds more responsibility as you will attend meetings with senior members of staff and be involved with making decisions on behalf of the student body.

What’s it like being on the Student Council?

Cory - Year 8

I like being on the student council because I get to have a small responsibility and to represent my form.

Maci - Year 8

I like being on the student council because I like meeting new people and making my voice heard and being listened to. It is also a great opportunity to make new friends and get along with one another.

Jessica - Year 9

I’ve been a form rep for three years now and I really like contributing to making the school the best it can be.  My favourite thing is being able to give my tutor group's ideas to the other student council members and their ideas coming to life in the school.

Ria – Year 9

I applied to be on the Student Council because I wanted to feel more responsible and have always wanted to be on a council before. I get to share ideas and put some into action with other people.

Ryan – Year 9

The reason I wanted to be a form rep was to develop my communication skills and my leadership skills.

Chloe - Year 10

I chose to be part of the student council because I like to have an input into decisions that are made in our school and it’s great to share and listen to others as well.

Melinda - Year 11

It provides a platform to contribute to school improvements, and talk with others to create a positive impact on the school!

What sorts of things do we discuss?

The Student Council focusses on the issues that matter to students:  

  • We worked with the catering team to improve the student experience in the canteen.

  • We have met with Senior Staff to discuss how the student reward system works and refining the house point badge system.

  • We had input into the design of the new toilet block, ensuring it is a safe and pleasant facility for all students.

Contacting Student Council

If you want to know more about student council, or you want to raise an issue directly with the Year 11 Head Students, please use this email: