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SMSC Values

The following SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural) values are actively promoted at Uppingham Community College through a variety of activities and curriculum content.

Students’ social development is shown by their:

Whole School

  • use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with students from different religious, ethnic and socio- economic backgrounds
  • willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
  • interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels


  • Maths - team games/paired quizzes/maths buddies
  • Humanities - class debates/Geog & RE curriculum
  • P.E. - leadership/group work/peer assessment/sports leaders/collaborative fixtures
  • English - group work/debates/pair work/reasoning skills/writing to argue and persuade/textual analysis
  • P. Arts - paired, mixed and group work and collaboration in devising and composition
  • M.F.L.- exchanges/trips/pen pals/group work
  • Science - debates on ethical topics e.g. vaccination/GM crops/genetic screening/stem cell research
  • Computing & Business Studies - team work/staying safe in online communities/reporting incidents procedures
  • Art & Design - Holistic & cohesive approach to practical activities
  • DofE - volunteering/mixed group expeditions/development of individual skills and strengths

Students’ moral development is shown by their:

Whole School

  • ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives
  • understanding of the consequences of their actions
  • interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues


  • Maths - misleading diagrams/sampling methods/analysis and interpretation of information to draw conclusions
  • Humanities - History of fascism and dictatorship/RE curriculum/historical global issues and their consequences
  • P.E. - games rules/sporting behaviour/sportsmanship
  • English - variety of texts and moral issues debated e.g. Hunger Games, An Inspector Calls, Frankenstein
  • P. Arts - bullying and social issues explored through schemes of work
  • M.F.L. - healthy living/film project work
  • Science - ethical debates/healthy lifestyles/health & safety in practical work/risk assessment
  • Computing & Business Studies - controlled assessments/artificial intelligence/computer misuse act/data protection/employment law/morality of internet use.
  • e-safety [sexting & hacking]
  • Art & Design - project led tasks that encourage students to understand inclusive design
  • DofE - social interactions with peers and adults/peer group tolerance/leadership and group skills

Students’ spiritual development is shown by their:

Whole School

  • beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values
  • sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible
  • use of imagination and creativity in their learning


  • Maths - infinity/origins of Maths around the world
  • Humanities - departmental ethos
  • P.E. - lesson and extra-curricular activities/game play
  • English - creative writing/religious beliefs in Shakespeare
  • P. Arts - portrayal of character through role play
  • M.F.L. - Francophone project/creative projects e.g. Come Dine with me/Sell a sibling/poetry 
  • Science - evolution/origins of the universe/genetic diseases/human behaviours
  • Computing & Business Studies - ethics of branding/sharing information on line/3rd world exploitation/business relocation/unplugged activities
  • Art & Design - project led tasks that encourage an understanding of cultural beliefs and diversity
  • DofE - working with a cross section of society/working with others for a common goal

Students cultural development is shown by their:

Whole School

  • understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage
  • willingness to participate in, and respond to, for example, artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities
  • interest in exploring, understanding of, and respect for cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.


  • Maths - origins of maths around the world/UKMT maths challenge/team challenge/speakers/trips/STEM activities/International Trade Game activity
  • Humanities - curriculum
  • Sportsmanship - history of Olympics
  • English - literary heritage from Old English/war poetry/Dickens/Romantic poetry
  • P. Arts - Commedia del Arte/Stanislavski/Brecht & Artaud/World music and development of British music styles 
  • M.F.L. - celebration of mother tongue/International Day of languages/film projects
  • Science - analysis of theories/CREST projects/national diets
  • Computing & Business Studies - Enigma Code/Turing/Lovelace/competitions e.g. KoduKup & Real Business/cyberbullying/acceptance of others
  • Art & Design - influences taken from diverse cultures to enhance projects and ideas. Inclusivity of design
  • DofE - involvement in community projects/volunteering/group responsibility/listening skills