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Rewards at UCC

At UCC we use positive praise and rewards to encourage students in their learning and their holistic development.  

Positive behaviour will be rewarded with: 

•House Points 
•Milestone Certificates and Badges
•Letters or phone calls home to parents / carers
•Special responsibilities/privileges 
•House Colours 
•Year Group Rewards 
•Recognising Achievement Assemblies 
•Department Specific Rewards 

The UCC House Point System

All students (and staff) belong to one of our six houses:
Pegasus, Phoenix, Orion, Aquila, Antares, and Leo

House logos

•At UCC we want to reward our students widely and consistently for demonstrating the College’s core values via one streamlined system.
•So, here is how you will be rewarded….


1 Housepoint 

1 housepoint

H1 Showing school values

Sharing (sharing equipment without being prompted)

Empathy (being understanding towards how others feel)

Perseverance (keep trying, even when not succeeding)

H1 Engagement

Excellent participation (students actively engage within the lesson)

Leading discussions (taking an active role within discussion based activities)

Extra-curricular activities (anything within College, that is extra e.g. rugby club, dance club etc.)

Good work (producing work of a good standard)

H1 Homework completed (completing homework, given they have put effort in)

H1 Random acts of kindness (an act of kindness which isn’t prompted by anyone else)

2 Housepoints

1 housepoint1 housepoint

H2: Wider contribution

Contribution to form (taking part in form activities)

Positive role model (showing the school values)

Positive community ethos (getting involved within the community inside school or outside school to make a positive impact e.g. creating an eco club, litter picking for the community)

H2: Subject award

Subject award/postcard home (once a half term, these will depend on how the departments categories their subject award students)

H2: Excellent learning

Amazing attitude to learning (students that go above and beyond in terms of their attitude towards their learning consistently)

H2: Attendance

Either 100% attendance or improved attendance (It is important that we encourage students to improve their attendance and reward this.)

3 Housepoints

H3: Contribution to school (representing the school in events, school council etc.)

H3: Star student (fortnightly, given to a student who has really excelled during the fortnight either academically or shown a significant improvement in behaviour and attitude, one per class)

H3: Form tutor award (half termly, given to a student who has tried really hard and has improved or stayed consistent)

H3: Word of the week (using the word of the week in written work or in class discussions)

4 Housepoints

H4: Progress Leader Award (termly, given to a student who has tried really hard and has improved or stayed consistent)

H4: Head of House Award (termly, given to a student for outstanding contribution to their House)

H4: Commendations (termly, given by subject teachers for students who have been consistently outstanding or have improved significantly)

5 Housepoints

H5: Principal Award (termly, given to a student who has tried really hard and has improved or stayed consistent – someone that has stood out)

10 Housepoints

H10: Uniform card (one or no strikes on the uniform card)

Prize draw of all cards – top 3 awarded prizes, to choose from (for example):

£10 Gift voucher

UCC Book Vending Machine Token

Meal Deal for 3 in the UCC Dining Room

Dining Room Queue Fast Pass for rest of term

Confectionary Assortment

House logosThe Housepoint Milestones 


Certificates and Badges to awarded on a half termly basis during Year assemblies

You can check your house point total at any time on Bromcom Student Portal