When students leave UCC we hope that their connection to the school won’t stop. We always love to hear from previous students about their lives after UCC.
We publish a newsletter twice a year which shares inspiring stories from UCC and our community as well as news of past UCC students. To sign up to receive it please click here. If you would like to send any news about past UCC students to be included in the Alumni newsletter please email alumni@ucc.rutland.sch.uk. The newsletter includes sections on sporting, career or personal achievements, births and marriages as well as any information about those who have passed away.
We also collate a database of previous students and their destinations post-UCC. We actively encourage past students to come back to the college to talk to current students and provide them with real life, relevant experiences which our students can both learn from and take inspiration from. These opportunities are always well received and help to enhance our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme.
If you would be interested in talking to a group of our students about your career and/or educational experiences, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mr Paul Rhodes, Assistant Principal (email rhodes_p@ucc.rutland.sch.uk or telephone 01572 823631) in the first instance for an informal discussion.