Main School Policies
Here you will find the main school policies (listed below) which we feel are most useful for us to publish online. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the attachments.
For copies of other policies please contact the main office to make a request.
- Accessibility plan
- Admissions arrangements
- Assessment and reporting
- Attendance
- Behaviour for learning
- Business Continuity & Recovery Plan
- Charging and remissions
- Complaints
- Confidentiality
- Curriculum
- Data breach and non-compliance
- Data Protection
- Drugs education
- Exclusions guidance
- Freedom of Information
- Information Security
- Looked After Children
- Pupil premium
- Records Management
- Relationships and sex education
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Social media
- Student acceptable use
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
- Trade union facility time
- Unexpected school closure
- Whistleblowing
Should you wish to request paper copies please contact