In Year Admissions
Parents who wish to apply for a place outside the normal admissions round should do so by contacting the College directly.
Right to Appeal
If your application has been declined and you wish to appeal against this please complete the appeal form attached below and send to the Appeal Clerk.
Children of UK Service Personnel
Children of UK Service Personnel posted to the catchment area will be allocated a place in advance of a move to the area once proof of the posting is provided [eg an official government letter from MOD, FCO or GCHQ]. This should include a relocation date and an intended address. The Unit postal address or quartering area address will be used for consideration against the oversubscription criteria.
Waiting List
In the event of oversubscription, the College holds a waiting list for places which may become available.
Children who are the subject of a direction by the LA must take precedence over those on the waiting list in accordance with the Fair Access Protocol..
All applications declined through the oversubscription process will be given the opportunity to be placed on the waiting list. Being placed on the waiting list does not remove an applicant’s right to appeal.
It is important to note that the list does not operate on a “first come, first served” basis and that places will be offered according to the oversubscription criteria if they become available.