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House System

In 2022-23 we are launching a new House system at UCC. Our students have selected the names of the Houses, under a celestial theme, and each House has a nickname which is linked to the etymology of its name. 

Our House system aims to foster a sense of identity and belonging for our students and staff. We want all members of our school community to experience a strong sense of belonging and being part of a House will further develop this connection.

There are 6 Houses, each with 150 students, spread across Year 7-11. As we have 6 tutor groups per year, each tutor group represents a different House. We also have every member of staff at the school linked to a House, apart from the Principal, who has to remain impartial!

There is a House assembly each term, led by the Heads of House, who are supported by House Captains in Year 11. Throughout the academic year there are a series of House competitions that encompass every subject area within the school. As the academic year progresses, students earn House Points, which contribute towards the House, and the points accrued in House competitions also add up to form the total number of points achieved by the House. The final event of the year is of course, Sports Day, which is where the House competition culminates.

Each House has its own identity, a motto, a charity to support and a distinctive logo.

Content will be available soon through links to the right.
