We aim for the GCSE History course to help learners explain and understand the modern world around us today.
Students will study a wide range of content options and consider themes which demonstrate the relevance of the past in understanding the present. They will develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of specified key events, periods and societies in local, British and wider world history; and of the wide diversity of human experience. Students are encouraged to engage in historical enquiry to develop as independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers.
Component 1 - Thematic and British depth study – 40% of total GCSE
The People’s Health, c.1250 to present
The Norman Conquest, 1065–1087
Component 2 – History around us – 20% of total GCSE
Kenilworth castle
Component 3 – Period study and World depth study – 40% of total GCSE
The Making of America, 1789–1900 and Living under Nazi Rule, 1933–1945
The GCSE History course is 100% externally assessed. There are 3 exams, one for each component.
Further Education & Career Opportunities:
The skills developed during the GCSE History course are transferable to many AS/A level courses. In career terms, the analytical skills developed by taking history are relevant to many jobs - e.g. lawyers, doctors, teachers, social workers and business people. History is also a good basis for more creative careers and many people in the arts world have history degrees - e.g. Steve Carell (Gru from Despicable Me)
To be Successful on this Course you will
Be inquisitive about the past
Be organised and hard working
Be reasonably confident with literacy skills such as reading and extended writing tasks