In this course you will look at the process of creating and performing dramatic work. You will learn to create your own work as well as performing existing texts. You will develop your imaginative skills; your ability to work in a team, helping to nurture the individual strengths of others; as well as learning to perform in front of an audience. There will be opportunities to extend your understanding of drama by analysing and evaluating live performances on theatre visits.
You will need to be motivated and self-disciplined. Commitment to group work is essential as all coursework is completed in small groups. You will be expected to learn lines for scripted work and put in extra rehearsal time when necessary. You will regularly deal with difficult and sensitive issues, being forced to examine your own beliefs and challenge accepted norms. Occasionally, the material used may contain sexual references and mild swearwords. Although written work is kept to a minimum during the course, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of creating drama and your analysis and evaluation of play texts and live performance in a written examination. You will be expected to prepare and practise thoroughly for this.
Written Examination – Understanding Drama (40% of GCSE)
In the written examination you will have 1hr 45mins to answer questions from three sections on the following areas:
• Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre
• Study of one set play
• Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers
Coursework - Devising Drama (40% of GCSE)
You will go through the process of creating drama in a small group around a given theme, keeping a devising log (worth 60 marks) and culminating in an assessed performance (worth 20 marks). Themes might include: self-image, power or regrets.
Performance exam – Texts in Practice (20% of GCSE)
An external examiner will come to UCC to watch you perform two of the following from the same play text: monologue, duologue, group scene.
Further Education and Careers
As well as the obvious direct links to the world of theatre, entertainment and the media, you should consider the wider scope of career choices towards which drama can contribute. One of the most important aspects of the course is people management – it’s no good having a great idea if you can’t persuade others to accept it! This is a vital skill for anyone wanting to work as part of a team, especially as a manager.
Also, the ability to communicate clearly and confidently is increasingly desirable - think how many people have to give presentations these days.
To be Successful on this Course you will
Enjoy working in a team to create drama
Enjoy performing to an audience
Enjoy watching and analysing live theatre production