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Citizenship Studies


  • To stimulate learners 

  • To develop the skills and confidence to put knowledge into practice 

  • To explore topical and controversial issues and problems in society 

  • To take action to try to influence others and engage decision makers 



The course is delivered through discussion, research, and mass mediaWe look at what is going on in the world today and discuss issues from the news, alongside the academic contentLearners apply knowledge and understanding from the course to carry out actions to address an issue of concern in the school or their community. Students will also have the opportunity to visit the places we discuss such as parliament and the courts.  



There are three themes 

  1. Life in Modern Britain – Principles and Values in British society, identity, the media and free press, the UKs role globally. 

  1. Rights and Responsibilities -Where do they come from and what happens when different people’s rights clashWhat are Laws and rules and how do we make them and use them 

  1. Politics and Participation – Students will study the role of the government, what political parties stand for, how the media works and the role of money in society 

There is also a Citizenship Action project. 



All assessment is at the end of Year 11 and will be marked on the new 9-1 grading system (9 is the top level)The final GCSE is awarded from two exams, each worth 50% 


Further Education and Career Opportunities 

It is difficult to think of a career where citizenship will not provide useful skills and knowledgeIt is a good foundation for further study of politics, government, law, economics and business studies and would be a good basis for any career in public service including the uniformed services. 


To be Successful on this Course you will 

  • Take an interest in what goes on in the world 

  • Enjoy discussion and small group based learning 

  • Be able to work on your own and with others on your own initiative