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Careers Education, Information and Guidance

Careers Vision:

Uppingham Community College seeks to maximise the life chances of all of our students and therefore it is crucial to prepare these young people for life beyond school and college. Giving young people the right advice and guidance to make informed decisions and choices about their lifestyle, education and future is more important than ever and contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success.  We have high expectations for all of our students, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning which are valued by employers. This will help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability and future career choices.


Curriculum Intent and Objectives:



The Careers Strategy implemented by the college has a clear curriculum intent which is set out below:


  • To ensure that students are aware of all possibilities available to them, including Post-16, Post-18 and Career Pathways.
  • To ensure students link learning at school with the world of work, acquiring the skills, qualities and values essential to being work ready.
  • To provide opportunities and experiences for students to explore career related topics and the world of work through enrichment and extra-curricular activities.
  • Introduce all stakehaolders of up to date local and national Labour Market Information to recognise trends in British Industry to enable them to manage their career prospects, careers journey and ultimately their career.
  • To ensure extensive support is in place for students and parents to prepare students for Poat-16 education and beyond, to maximise potential.
  • To ensure effective monitoring of the careers strategy plan in order to embed effective provision and ensure tailored provision for each key transitional point.



To ensure the intent is met successfully, the objectives of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance policy are focused on the Gatsby Benchmarks and are as follows:


· to ensure that all students at the school receive a stable careers programme 

· to enable all students to learn from information provided by the career and labour market

· to offer an individual and personalised CEIAG programme which addresses the needs of each student

· to link the curriculum learning to careers learning

· to provide students with a series of encounters with employers and employees

· to provide students with experiences of workplace(s)

· to ensure that students have a series of encounters with further and higher education

· to provide each student with the opportunity to receive personal guidance.

To ensure a high quality of CEIAG, The governing body have adopted a thorough careers strategy plan and policy in order to provide a clear commitment to and framework

Careers Leader

The lead teacher responsible for Careers at UCC is Mr Paul Rhodes, Assistant Principal. He can be contacted via the main school office on  01572 823631 or via email on

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme

The Careers provision offered to students at UCC includes the main elements summarised in the table below: 


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Introduction to Careers Advisor

Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Transferable Skills

Department Posters

Introduction to Startprofile

SEND Trips

PDE Pathway – Personal Growth

Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Transferable Skills

Department Posters

ACE Day 2 - Art of Brilliance

SEND Trips

PDE Pathway – Personal Growth


Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Transferable Skills

Department Posters

SEND Trips

PDE Pathway – Personal Growth



PDE Pathway – Motivation and Ambition

SEND Trips

PDE Pathway – Motivation and Ambition

Exploring Startprofile

ACE Day 2 – The Real Game

SEND Trips

PDE Pathway – Motivation and Ambition

SEND Trips


Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Where can this subject take me?

PDE Pathway – Beyond the Classroom

SEND Trips


Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Where can this subject take me?

Options Evening – Careers Advisor in attendance

PDE Pathway – Beyond the Classroom

Options Assembly

ACE Day 2 – Enterprise Day

SEND Trips

Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Where can this subject take me?

PDE Pathway – Beyond the Classroom

Options and Startprofile

SEND Trips



Post-16 Evening

ACE Day 1 – British Philanthropy

1:1 and small group meetings with careers advisor

PDE Pathway – Post-16 Preparation

1:1 and small group meetings with careers advisor

PDE Pathway – Post-16 Preparation

ACE Day 2 – What Next Event or Post-16 provider visits

PDE Pathway – Post-16 Preparation

Work Experience

Targeted Post-16 Visits


Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Your subject as a career

PDE Pathway – Personal Finances and Budgeting

Post-16 Evening

1:1 and small group meetings with careers advisor

Post-16 assemblies (providers)

SEND and Careers – RCC Schools Offer

Targeted Post-16 visits

Harington Taster Sessions

Careers in the Curriculum Lessons – Your subject as a career

ACE Day 2 – World of Work Day or Post-16 provider visits

Post-16 assemblies (providers)

PDE Pathway – Personal Finances and Budgeting


PDE Pathway – Personal Finances and Budgeting