Weekly Newsletter

Please see the introduction from this weeks newsletter...
Still not receiving the new style newsletter? Once you have completed the new GDPR consent form - you will start receiving the new newsletter, in the meantime, please see the introductory text from Mr Solly below:
Dear parents and carers,
This week our Year 10 GCSE Spanish students returned from their exchange visit to Andalucia, having experienced a short stay with a local family. Mrs Brooks tells me that our students were exemplary and throughout the trip they were superb advocates for our school.
I have noticed several students taking prospective families and Year 6 teachers from our local primary schools on tours around UCC this week. I have received several emails of thanks in which our students have received high praise for representing UCC so brilliantly.
Over the past week I have had the pleasure of being interviewed by many students who are studying GSCE Citizenship. The topics we have discussed have included the school curriculum, equality in society and prejudice. I have been really impressed with the way in which these students have engaged with their Citizenship investigations and it has been lovely to see them hosting a variety of stalls around the school at lunch time to raise the awareness of a wide range of topical issues.
Please take the time to look through the rest of our newsletter and see what has been going on at UCC throughout this week.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Mr Solly