Yr11 Yearbook
Please see more information about the Class of 2019 Yearbook...
Hopefully you will have seen that we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to order and purchase a Class of 2019 Yearbook for your son/daughter.
We are starting the process of collecting information, portraits, photographs, comments and memories that will fill the pages of the Yearbook. The finished book is sure to bring back many happy memories for years to come, and is the perfect way of capturing all of those priceless moments from the school years that have flown by so quickly.
This year we will be collecting the students entries for the Yearbook via an online portal, please be aware of the entries that your child is submitting - all entries will be checked by a member of staff. Please follow the link below and start creating your entry! The students will also be able to vote for the various 'awards', some of which will be given out at the Prom.
All of the students now have the opportunity to purchase a Yearbook at a cost of £16. It is essential that their orders are placed in plenty of time so that they don’t miss out as there will only be one print run. The deadline for placing orders is Sunday 24 March 2019.
If you would like to buy a Yearbook please complete the slip that came home (or there are copies at Student Services) and payment should be made by Sunday 17 March. The preferred method of payment is through Wisepay our on-line debit/credit card service. It can be found under Shop Manager heading, Year 11 2019 yearbook option. A yearbook will not be reserved without receipt of payment and the completed slip. The minimum order required is 55, if this is not achieved payments will be refunded.
I cannot stress this deadline enough, as we do not want anyone to be disappointed! The school will not be ordering any spare copies, so if your child later wishes they’d ordered one once they see the finished book, unfortunately it will be too late.
Even if your child decides they do not want a Yearbook – we would still want them to be remembered in the Yearbook – so if everyone can please submit an entry, regardless of whether you are purchasing a book that would be much appreciated.
To join the yearbook follow these simple instructions: 1. Visit this link: http://allyearbooks.co.uk/yearbook/10232 2. When there, register using this invitation code: hurray3888 3. Done - now you can start having fun in your yearbook! Hope to see you all in the yearbook soon :) Thanks, AllYearbooks on behalf of your yearbook committee |