Weekly Newsletter
Please see the introduction for the new style newsletter...
Dear parents and carers
Today for the 1st time we will be launching a different and more contemporary method for communicating our weekly bulletin as a school. Each week we will be sending out an email in a modern and interactive format which will enable you to engage with a range of different notices, updates and features.
Please note, we will only be able to send this new email format out to those parents who have returned our new consent form and who have consented to receiving information from third parties.
We have had a busy and enjoyable half term at UCC. Our students have received important messages throughout the half term during their assemblies and I thought it was worthwhile reflecting on the significance of the themes that have been shared. Whilst we regularly talk about academic progress and student achievement in the classroom, the assembly themes play a key role in helping shape our school culture and develop our students’ understanding of how to be a good person.
This term, the assembly themes have included:
- The Art of Kindness
- Staying Safe Online (parent resources and advice here)
- Respect and Acceptance
- Holocaust Memorial Day
- Cultures Around the World
Additionally we have organised a number of exciting and valuable educational visits and events, including:
- GCSE Science Live
- GCSE English Poetry Live
- Rhythms of the World Music event
- Bali Rai author visit
There have also been several sports leaders events where UCC students have expertly supported sporting opportunities in the local community and a number of students stepped forwards to become UCC representatives on the Resilient Rutland project, which is a very exciting and important opportunity for young people in the county.
This week we have hosted 2 important events for students who are moving towards significant milestones in their educational journeys. Year 11 parents’ evening was very well attended and we received so many positive messages about the feedback provided for students at this important stage of the academic year. Additionally, Year 9 have been focussing on careers throughout this week, participating in a series of workshops and interviews. Our careers adviser stopped me yesterday on her way out of school to let me know how brilliant our Year 9 students have been throughout this week. She genuinely ran out of superlatives to describe their excellent levels of focus, interest and maturity.
There are some key dates coming up quickly after half term:
- Monday 25th February 18:00-18:30: Year 10 Spanish Exchange Parents’ Meeting
- Thursday 28th February 18:00-20:00: Year 9 Options Evening
- Wednesday 6th March: ACE Day for all year groups
- Thursday 14th March 16:00-19:00: Year Parents’ Evening
For the full details of the school calendar, the best place to look is on our website.
I would like to thank all of the staff in advance, who are giving up their half term to take students to Austria on the junior and senior ski trips. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that we do not sustain any injuries and that everyone has a wonderful time. The best way to follow what is happening will be through our social media pages which will be updated regularly.
I hope you all have a great half term.
Mr Solly