On The Spot!

The latest edition of our favourite feature - with Miss Fairclough...
It's time for 'on the spot'. This time it's Miss Fairclough who is our ITS Senior Support Technician.
1. What's your perfect "day off"
Lazy start with a cup of coffee, my feet up with the cat on my lap while reading a book with no interruptions.
2. Favourite ever box set?
I don't have a favourite but I have watched all 100 episodes of Teen Wolf in one week.
3. What song most reminds you of when you were at secondary school?
Wannabe by the Spice Girls
4) What did you imagine your occupation would be when you were at school?
I didn't know what I wanted to do then. I was looking at going into childcare to work with special needs children. I went to college and trained as a Nursery Nurse but my interest in computers took off several years later. Total opposites I know!
5. What’s your favourite holiday destination?
West coast of Scotland.
6. If you could choose anyone, living or dead, which 3 people would you invite over for dinner, and why?
Eating out is preferable as there is no washing up! The people I'd invite are my friends as its always a good laugh.
7. Favourite season and why?
Spring - its not too hot or too cold and there are lots of baby wildlife around.
8. What were you like at school?
The quiet, head down and stay out of trouble student who kinda just wanted to get school over with for the day!
9. What's your favourite food?
Lasange with garlic bread. Totally unhealthy but oh so good!
10. You’re marooned on a deserted island; which 3 items would you wish to have with you, and why?
LOTS of wax matches to light and stay lite in all conditions, a hammock to stay off the ground and a really sturdy warm coat to protect against the elements.