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National Offer Day 3rd March 2025

On Monday 3rd March 2025 year 6 pupils across the country will find out which secondary school has offered them a place for September 2025.

The vast majority of pupils will be offered a place at one of their preferred schools – most will be offered their top preference.

The timetable for allocation will be as follows:

3rd March 2025

National Offer Day. NB Offer made by home Local Authority regardless of the Local Authority in which the place is going to be offered.

31st March 2025

20-school day deadline (from offer day) for parents to lodge appeal.

Paperwork for appeals received after the deadline will be heard within 40 school days of receipt.

Week commencing 31st March 2025

Second round offers made by Local Authority (21 days after National Offer Day).

19th June 2025

40-school day deadline (from deadline to lodge appeal) for appeals to be heard.

Before 19th June 2025

All appeals will be heard within 40 school days of being lodged.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have been offered a place at Uppingham Community College and would like to accept it.

Once a parent or carer receives their offer, they must formally accept that offer by the deadline set – usually through the local authority’s admissions portal or system. The offer received will have details of the steps needed to be followed.  If your local authority also requires you to contact UCC directly to confirm your place, please email our Admissions Officer (see details below)

Uppingham Community College was my first preference, but I have not been offered a place there.

If your application for a place at UCC is refused and you have expressed a second or third preference, then a place will be offered at the second preference, or, if this is also over-subscribed and your application is unsuccessful, an offer will be made at the third preference school. In the unlikely event that a place cannot be offered at any of your preferred schools, an alternative offer will be made based on the nearest school to the child's home address that has a place available, after all other preferences have been processed.

If a parent or carer wants to appeal the decision not to offer a place at Uppingham Community College (UCC), they should first contact UCC’s Admission & Attendance Officer.

An independent appeal panel will hear the appeal and must come to its own independent conclusion as to whether the school should admit the child, having regard to the case presented by both the UCC and the parent.  The decision of the appeal panel is binding – if the appeal is upheld, UCC must offer the child a place at the school.

Admission arrangements at Uppingham Community College are carried out in accordance with the Schools Admission Code ( For information or interpretation of the information please contact the College Admissions Officer, Ms Dympna Murphy on

I have accepted a place at Uppingham Community College.  What happens next.

We want to make sure that the transition to secondary school is as straightforward and stress-free as possible for students and their families.

UCC offer a transition program for new starters, and this commences in April when our Admissions Team visit our feeder primary schools.  We may also organise visits to some non-feeder schools, depending on numbers.

We also have our induction days to look forward to at the end of June.

Induction Dates 2025:
Monday 23 June
Tuesday 24 June
Wednesday 25 June

Over the coming months you will receive a whole host of booklets, information and maybe even some videos from staff members which will build towards your son/daughter learning more about UCC and hopefully feeling excited about being part of Team UCC.