Admissions consultation 2025
UCC is seeking the views of our stakeholders and the local community, regarding a change to our Admissions Policy for September 2025.
Dear UCC Families
We are writing to notify you of the consultation on the 2025 – 2026 admissions arrangements for places at UCC. The consultation period will run from today, 8th December 2023 until 29th January 2024; during this time, parents and other key stakeholders are invited to express their views and any concerns about the proposed admission arrangements.
In accordance with the DfE’s 2021 statutory ‘School Admissions Code’ guidance, as the Admissions Authority, we must consult on our admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.
The draft 2025 - 2026 admissions arrangements are available to view in the attached document (see below this news item). Copies of the documents can also be obtained from the school office but there will be a small admin charge for printing.
The proposed change is highlighted in yellow on the document provided, moving the criteria for children who have a parent working at UCC, one step up the oversubscription criteria, to point 3. This would mean that places for children with parents who work at the school will be awarded a place before children who attend one of our feeder schools, or live in a catchment village. The reason for this change is because of the well documented recruitment and retention crisis schools face; we would like to offer current and prospective employees an additional incentive of their child being able to obtain a place at UCC.
Please provide us with your views on the proposed changes by using this form.
Yours faithfully
Uppingham Community College