Weekly Bulletin - 07/07/2023

Please see the latest bulletin and newsletter below...
Dear UCC Families
What a fabulous, but varied week we have had at UCC...
I'll start with Sports Day, which was superb. Last year we saw the new formula for UCC Sports Days for the first time. A more inclusive, fun and brilliantly organised day, which is a real celebration event at the end of the school year. This year it was even better. A few tweaks to the activities, the introduction of some new ones, and a well-executed plan meant that we were able to deliver a wonderful experience for students and staff. The teamwork, leadership and collaboration skills on display throughout the day were a joy to observe and the impact of our Concept Curriculum in PE is clear to see.
The Berlin trip was, as it always is, a huge success, and an incredible experience for our students. The students were impeccably behaved and represented UCC magnificently. This is on the back of an equally successfully MFL trip to Paris for Year 9. The feedback from colleagues and students who participated in this trip to France was overwhelmingly positive. Again, these trips take an enormous amount of planning and organisation, involving many people within the team. However, we should acknowledge the excellent work of Miss Frayne and Mrs Rodgers for leading these 2 foreign excursions so effectively.
We've also had 2 unusual days this week, where we have been closed to students because of the NEU industrial action. With a week to go until the end of term, we still don't know what the teacher pay scales will be in 23-24, or whether any increases will be funded. This means the budget we have set is based on our best estimate, and this makes it incredibly challenging to plan our provision for your children properly. I understand, having a son in Year 9 myself, that this disruption to education is hugely inconvenient for families, and I am very sorry that we have had to close UCC for 2 days this week. Teachers are, however, fighting hard for a better deal for the education of the nation's children, and I hope this is resolved quickly at a national level.
On Wednesday this week, we hosted the official opening of the Margaret Jennings building. We were joined by over 20 of her family and friends and it was a wonderful occasion. Special thanks to Mr Davies, who produced the plaque to such a high standard; the family were thrilled with this, and I think it is a fitting tribute to Margaret, who I believe has had the greatest influence on UCC throughout our 100+ year history.
Last night we hosted the Prom for Year 11 and it was a fabulous event. It was lovely to see our students experience such a great celebration event to mark the end of their time at UCC.
I am looking forward to the Rutland Sports Awards on Monday, where several UCC students and teams have been nominated. I will keep my fingers crossed that their outstanding commitment to PE and school sport is recognised by the panel.
On Friday 14th July, we break up for the summer holidays and school finishes at 1:15pm, with buses departing shortly after this.
Please take the time to read through the rest of this week's newsletter.
I hope you have a great weekend
Mr B Solly