Weekly Bulletin 23/06/2023
Please see the latest weekly bulletin below...
Dear UCC families
This week we hosted Year 10 parents' evening, and it was lovely to see so many families here to have discussions with their child's teachers. Many people remarked to me on their way out, that it was great to have these face to face events back and this is certainly the way we are planning to host parental engagement opportunities in 23-24 and beyond. Whilst online events are convenient and efficient, they cannot replicate the in-person experience which enable us all to develop the positive relationships between home and school, which are so important for young people to thrive.
Our Design, Technology and Art department took over 70 Year 10 students to Leicester De Montfort University to view the annual Art & Design degree show earlier this week. These opportunities provide students with a great experience of viewing a high performance environment, which can often fuel an ambition to follow a similar route with the next steps in their education and future career pathways. We are also hosting our own exhibition of DTA work produced by Year 11 students on Monday next week, with the families of these students invited to come into school and view the superb work they have produced this year. I am really looking forward to seeing this exhibition, as our students always produce such high standards across all of the DTA disciplines.
Throughout this week we have celebrated diversity, inclusion and equality. Whilst it is important to have focus weeks for key topics such as this, these do not happen in isolation; we have a structured and well-sequenced programme to ensure this is a golden thread throughout our holistic approach to develop well-rounded young people. The assemblies this week have been delivered by Mrs Hirst and they have been superb. The key theme for us has been celebrating our differences and we hope that students have taken these important messages on board.
Please take the time to read through the rest of the newsletter.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mr B Solly.