Weekly Bulletin - 12/05/2023

Please see the latest weekly bulletin below...
Dear UCC families
The summer exam season fully kicks in next week, with written examinations beginning on Monday in RE and Citizenship. Our Year 11 students have been working hard in school and I know families will be supporting them at home during this important period of time. As I signposted last week, we have a comprehensive revision section on our website and this revision guide is specifically aimed at parents.
The Margaret Jennings Building, as it will be known, is progressing well, and the MFL & Business Studies classrooms are starting to really take shape. The SEND wing of this building, which will be known as Maple Lodge, is also coming along very nicely. We are still on track for the MFL team and Mrs Hirst to be moved in after half-term, which is very exciting. There is still a lot to do though, and our contractors will be working flat out to deliver the project on time. I'm hoping for some calmer weather conditions over the next fortnight to help them out with this though!
We have started a transition process to move our Management Information System, which has always been SIMS, to a new web-based provider, which will make life easier for UCC staff and all our families. The benefits to you will include having almost everything you need in one app, rather than the various platforms that we currently use. This is a complex process though and we are using the summer term to get everything ready for September, which is when you will be able to start using the app. We will keep you posted as this progresses.
A visitor to UCC, who I showed around the school this week, commented on how superbly presented our students are. I said that this is a result of a big team effort, with supportive families ensuring their children arrive at school every day, in the correct uniform and with the correct equipment, alongside our staff being clear and consistent with what we expect from students. I thought I would pass this compliment on in the newsletter as I am grateful to our UCC families for the support and structure you put in place for your child that enables us to achieve these high standards.
Please take the time to read through the newsletter.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Mr Solly