Weekly Bulletin 20/01/2023
Please see the latest weekly bulletin below...
Dear UCC Families
It has been a busy, but enjoyable week at UCC, despite the bitterly cold weather. Whilst the temperature has at times dropped below zero, we have seen some beautiful sun sets and sun rises, which the Humanities team enjoy capturing from the summit of the three-storey block (see above)
This week we received several of the pre-fabricated blocks for our new MFL/Business/SEND teaching facility. The project is set to conclude at the end of April, so I think we will see a lot of rapid change in a short space of time, as this exciting new set of classrooms are designed and delivered.
You will have undoubtedly read or heard about forthcoming strike action across the education sector. There are a wide range of factors for us to consider when deciding if we can keep the school open on strike days. I will be working with colleagues early next week to analyse the options available to us and I will communicate a decision to you by next Wednesday. The first strike action takes place on Wednesday 1st February and I would like to provide you with a week's notice of the school decision, so you can make appropriate arrangements if necessary.
I would like to remind you about the location on our website, where you can view the details about the curriculum your child/children is/are studying. Subject Areas - Uppingham Community College (uppinghamcollege.org.uk) Also, you can view the Key Stage 3 plans in s different form here.
I'd like to draw your attention to a number of podcasts concerning young people's mental health and wellbeing compiled by the Anna Freud Centre, a highly respected organisation in this field. The podcasts cover a number of relevant topics, for example childhood anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders and the adolescent brain. You will find the link to the podcasts here.
There is also a Parent and Carers page which contains a wealth of advice and resources, plus further links here.
Over the coming 2 weeks students will be receiving their 'new this year' milestone House Point certificates and badges. We are delighted that so many students have now earned their Bronze (50), Silver (100), Gold (150) and in 1 case Diamond (200) badges. It's great to start to see the students wearing them with pride around the College. I hope the certificates are equally given pride of place at home! The students have worked really hard and embraced our College values of Respect, Honesty and Kindness to accrue these. I am sure you will join us in congratulating them on their achievements.
Please take the time to read through the Newsletter.
I hope you all have a great weekend
Mr Solly