Weekly Bulletin 30/09/2022

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC Families,
There has been a huge amount going on at UCC this week. Today we welcomed back three UCC alumni from the class of 2022, who returned to deliver an assembly to Year 11 students about post-16 options and what life is like in a sixth form. This is an important time for students in Year 11 as they begin to plan their next steps for life beyond UCC, however it is an incredibly exciting time for them as well and there will be many more activities and opportunities to learn more about post 16 options over the next few months. The first opportunity is next Tuesday, when we welcome all of the local post 16 providers into school. If your child is in Year 11 currently it is really important to attend this event with them.
We have celebrated European Languages throughout this week, with fun activities and assemblies all aimed at improving our school community's awareness. Miss Frayne led the assemblies on Ukraine and it was fascinating to learn more about the history of this country.
Our Humanities team took Year 11 students to Kenilworth Castle yesterday in what proved to be a very successful trip. The team received lots of positive feedback about our students, who conducted themselves superbly throughout, below is from the Education Visits Officer from English Heritage:
Thank you for visiting Kenilworth Castle yesterday, I hope you had a successful and enjoyable trip.
The staff at the castle wanted me to let you know that they were very impressed by the conduct and behaviour of your students. The students spoke to a number of our staff and volunteers and they were very polite and engaged in their learning, a real credit to you and Uppingham Community College.
We hope that you will visit us again.
It is great to have trips and visits up and running again - we look forward to many more throughout the year.
If you would like to view the curriculum for all the subjects your child studies in Key Stage 3, remember you can visit our website, or use this Microsoft Sway document: https://sway.office.com/A8xOi2JsIPuu38W9?ref=Link
Key Stage 3 Curriculum sway.office.com |
I wrote to you earlier in the week about our parent governor elections, please get your vote in by Thursday next week.
My final message is to congratulate Ed in Year 11 who has achieved the amazing feat of becoming the BCC Climate Champion! Read more about this incredible achievement here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9wfb7h
Please take some time to read our newsletter
I hope you have a great weekend.
Mr B Solly