Parent Bulletin 16/09/2022

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC Families
We hosted our annual Open Evening for prospective Year 6 students last night and it was a tremendous success. Our students acted as tour guides and helped out in subject areas across the school. The students were absolutely magnificent and I received so many compliments about how mature, kind and informative they were. Below are just a few of the kind words people have written in with following the superb efforts of our students and staff:
1) I had the pleasure of attending UCC last night with my eldest son. It's just a quick message of support to reach out and say well done to you and your colleagues. The venue and warmth that was shared from your students and colleagues when walking around the school was refreshing
2) Please pass onto the staff in the appropriate way the professional, calm and kind manner in which tonight’s open evening ran. From the keen, ever helpful and engaged students to the friendly, welcoming staff - my daughter and I were most impressed. I realise how tough it must be to prepare and present so well at 8pm after a full day towards the end of the week - we’ll done everyone! A happy parent.
3) I just wanted to send an email to say how much we enjoyed the open evening last night. Our tour guides Maya and Maria were so professional and respectful a real asset to your school. They answered all of our questions and offered a lot of information. My son enjoyed his experience so much he has now said this is his favourite school.
4) We attended the open evening this evening as a family and my wife and I couldn't let the event go by without commenting on how wonderful we thought your staff, pupils and yourself were in presenting the school. The pupils we spoke with are all a massive credit to the school and the staff were all very engaged and welcoming. We believe that you have got a great ethos at the school that we agree is absolutely the right way to look at education. We still have several schools to visit, but we are of the impression now that the other schools are going to have to work very hard to impress. Whether we end up with you or not, we wanted to take a moment to congratulate you, the pupils and staff on a job brilliantly done.
The positive start to term has continued and the vast majority of students come into school each day, perfectly dressed, with all of their equipment and books, with great attitudes, ready to learn and contribute. This doesn't happen by magic; our high expectations and routines ensure we are checking regularly on all students getting the basics right, but I know this starts at home, with yourselves reinforcing key messages, helping your children be organised and motivated for the day ahead.
Please take the time to read through the rest of the Newsletter.
I hope you all have a pleasant weekend and can take some time to reflect during this period of national mourning. I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday.
Yours faithfully
Mr B Solly