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Parent Bulletin 09/09/2022

Please see the latest parent bulletin from Mr Solly below...

Dear UCC Families

The sad news of the Queen's passing broke as I was writing the staff and family bulletins last night. Queen Elizabeth II's period of 70 years as our monarch is deeply impressive and her compassion, dedication and sense of duty were admirable. I read one of her quotes yesterday, that really reflected the approach we take to improving our school "It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change." These are wise words that will resonate with many of us I'm sure. Our form time activity this morning focussed some of the questions young people might have about the death of the Queen as we felt it was important to address this with our students as soon as possible.

Last night's sad news aside, it's been a fantastic first full week for us and I've certainly noticed the superb approach in lessons from our students, which have been calm, quiet and focussed. 

We have our open evening event next Thursday and we have asked students to come and help out in a variety of roles to showcase our school to prospective families. 

Next week we start the exciting process of re-launching our House system. Our new Heads of House will lead assemblies for the 150 students within their House. Each House has 1 tutor group from each year group and we want to use this opportunity to further develop a sense of belonging within our school community. Within the next few weeks we will issue students with their new House badge, which will become an essential item of uniform to be worn on blazer lapels. Our new Houses names were selected by students, after they had selected a theme for the names. The 6 UCC Houses are below, along with the Head of House:

Antares Aquila Leo Orion Pegasus Phoenix
Heads of House:
Mr Leader Mr Wilson Miss Clayton Mrs Allen Miss Frayne Miss Hodgson
Mrs White Mrs Hurst Mrs Briers

Earlier today I sent through an email to all Key Stage 3 parents containing instructions on how to access information on the curriculum offer across all our subjects. Please take the time to look through these to see what your child will be studying across Years 7-9. If your child is in Key Stage 4 the curriculum is predominantly determined by the exam board specifications, all of which are on our website, along with our curriculum maps. 


My final message is to say I hope you have a great weekend. 
Mr Solly