Attendance Information
Please read the important information below regarding our Attendance procedures below...
Important Attendance Information
At Uppingham Community College we are very proud of our high attendance levels, which we are able to maintain with the continued support of parents who keep absences to an absolute minimum. Attendance is expected to be 96% or above.
The table below shows the relationship between a student’s attendance rate and the amount of education lost over the course of an academic year:
Attendance % |
Days Missed |
Education lost over the year |
99% |
2 |
10 lessons |
97% |
6 |
30 lessons |
95% |
10 |
50 lessons |
92% |
15 |
75 lessons |
90% |
20 |
100 lessons |
80% |
40 |
200 lessons |
When a student’s attendance starts to slip towards/below 92% we will contact home via letter, and in some instances the student’s case may be highlighted to the Local Authority.
Absence Procedure (unplanned absence)
In the event that your child is unable to attend school, please inform the college EACH DAY of their absence, before 8:30am. You can report absence in the following methods:
- Email:
- Text: 01572 842008
- Phone: 01572 823631 (Option 1)
Please provide the following details – first and last name of student, registration group and reason for absence – please give suitable details – ‘ill’ or ‘unwell’ will not be authorised as reasons for absence. Example message: Fred Blogs, 10ZF, will not be in school today, he has a sore throat and high temperature. Please note: If the college does not have a reason for absence a text/email will be sent home.
Absence Request Procedure (planned absence)
Should you need to take your child out of school during term time, due to a medical appointment, music examination, external sports fixture, family funeral, holiday or other exceptional circumstances please complete the ‘online request for absence form’ (link below) The form can also be found on our website (parents/absences):
Absence Request Form
Once your request has been submitted it will then be processed as either authorised / unauthorised and you will be notified by text within a few days.
Please note: We cannot authorise any requests for holiday during term time and you may be subject to a fine from the Local Authority
NB: The College are unable to authorise any absence on the day immediately prior to or following a College holiday without medical evidence.
Collecting your child during the school day
Should you need to collect your child during school hours, eg. For a medical appointment (hopefully you will have completed the online form in advance) – you (or a nominated adult, named in the form) will need to collect them from reception and sign them out. Whoever is collecting the student will need to bring ID – our receptionist will ask for this for safeguarding reasons.
For more information regarding attendance – please refer to the Attendance Policy on the website:
Attendance Policy
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support in working towards our attendance expectations.