Parent Bulletin 24/06/2022

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below..
Dear UCC families
Yesterday our Year 11 students completed the final whole cohort exam when they sat the Physics paper. We have a handful of students who completed the Maths Statistics paper today and on Monday the season is complete with the Polish exam. I have to say, our Year 11 students have been magnificent throughout this period, which has been a longer exam season than usual. They have demonstrated a superb level of focus, determination and resilience. I am now looking forward to seeing them celebrate at the Prom in a couple of weeks and then the next time we see them will be on results day in August. They have been an absolute joy to work with and the cohort hold a special place in my heart as they joined UCC at the same time as me. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow and mature, developing into fine young adults. I know they will go onto to achieve great things with their lives and I am very proud of the part UCC will have placed in helping shape their development.
As one year group leaves, another steps up to become the role models at the top end of the school. Mr Sievewright and I have received some truly excellent applications for Student Leadership positions throughout this week. I have been so impressed with the maturity and authenticity with which our students have written, and I am very much looking forward to speaking 1-1 with these students during the interview process over the next fortnight. We will certainly have some tough choices to make!
Next week we welcome Year 6 students to UCC for their transition days. When I joined UCC we only had 1 day for transition; it felt rushed and didn't really give the young people a true experience of what secondary school will be like. Subsequently, we expanded this to 2 days, so that students had the opportunity to go home, talk about their day, sleep, wake up and come here again. This made a huge difference and definitely contributed to a more positive and varied experience. During the pandemic, the transition processes were somewhat scuppered for obvious reasons and we had to think differently about how we could induct new Year 7s to UCC and establish that critical feeling of belonging. We created a team building day which was very successful and we decided to keep this as a standard element of our transition process. Consequently, we now have 3 full days for induction, one of which is the team building event which we host at the Rutland Showground. I am looking forward to meeting our new students. Please could you reinforce the message at home with your child about the importance of making these young people feel welcome and at home whilst they are here with us next week.
Please take the time to read through the rest of the newsletter. I hope you have a great weekend.
Mr Solly.