Parent Bulletin 27/05/2022
Please see below the latest parent bulleting from Mr Solly.
Dear UCC Families
We have had a great final week of this half term at UCC. Throughout this half term our students have maintained the high standards we outlined as part of our summer term reset expectations. I have been impressed with how students have stepped up their standards across this 6 week period.
Year 11 have worked so hard during their exams so far and have demonstrated an incredible level of focus and determination. They now have a week off from school to further prepare themselves for the final stretch in June.
Earlier this week our PE department took the athletics team to the Varsity competition in Corby and we finished in 3rd place overall. Mr Laywood was incredibly impressed with our students for their attitudes, efforts and conduct throughout the day. Later in the summer term Mr Laywood is introducing a new format for our Sports Day event and I am very much looking forward to seeing students involved in this more inclusive approach.
After half term we will welcome a number of new students to UCC, some of whom are Ukranian refugees living with local families. We look forward to integrating them into our school community and I thank the kind and generous people who have supported them following their displacement. We have also recently employed 3 Ukranian refugee adults in a variety of roles across the school and these individuals will help and support these young people in making a successful start to their education here at UCC.
I hope you have an enjoyable half term break as a family.
Take care.
Mr B Solly