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UCC 2020 Consultation

UCC Consultation on admission arrangements for September 2020...

Consultation on Uppingham Community College Admission Arrangements for  September 2020

In line with the Department for Education Admission Code (December 2014), Uppingham Community College is now consulting on its admission arrangements for September 2020. There is one change to the criteria as shown in the attached admissions policy.

In summary, the changes to the admission arrangements are:

1.       Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangement order, or special guardianship order.  (A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority in England, or is being provided with accommodation by a local authority in England in the exercise of their social services functions).

This criterion is the 1st criterion currently in our admission arrangements, as per the DFE Admission Code, however this has been re-evaluated to ensure that the description is comprehensive.

2.       Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. (A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.)

This is a new criterion and is a legal requirement from the Department of Education (see attached letter from the Secretary of State Nick Gibb).

The consultation period will run for 6 weeks starting on 8th October 2018 and ending on 19th November 2018.

Please feel free to contact the Admissions Officer (Kim Stuart-Jones) should you wish to discuss any aspect of the proposed admission arrangements or make any comment. You can make contact via phone (01572 823631) or via email (

You will find below an attachment detailing in full the proposed change to September 2020 admissions arrangements.

Mr Ben Solly
