Senior Ski Trip 2023

The Senior Ski Trip for 2023 has been launched to students today - please see details below:
The ever popular ski trip has been launched to students today (current Y9 & 10) - please see the attachment at the bottom of this page for full details, here is a brief summary:
Dates: Friday 17 - Saturday 25 February 2023
Cost: £1160 per student
Resort: Wagrain, Austrian Alps
Accommodation: Jugendhotel Wiederkehr
Deadline for booking: 20 January 2022 (register of interest and £100 deposit)
Please book on to this trip via Wisepay, to register your interest. If you are unable to book using Wisepay, please contact Student Services.
There are 42 spaces available - in the event of oversubsription priority will be given to students who have not yet had the opportunity to attend a UCC ski trip. Names will then be pulled out of a hat.
Please note that a valid passport and EHIC/GHIC card will be required - current European Health Insurance Cards (EHICs) will continue to be valid for travel in the EU. Please let us know if your child does not have an EU passport.