Parent Bulletin 07/01/22

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC Families
It has been a great first week of term at UCC. Despite the challenges we are all facing, our students and staff have really shone and have made an excellent start to 2022. Our students have slotted straight back into the school routines and it has been lovely seeing them engaging in learning across all their lessons this week. School has felt calm and purposeful and despite the huge spike in Covid cases nationally, our attendance has been very high.
Lateral Flow Testing
We had a superb response to our 'return to school approach' to testing this week and I would like to thank you all for your support in ensuring your child/children completed a Lateral Flow Test at home before we restarted school on Tuesday. A high proportion of students completed and recorded the tests and we are confident that the levels of testing amongst our students was as high this week as when we had our staggered return to school in August. We continue to ask for your support with the twice weekly Covid tests, each Wednesday and Sunday evening; completing and recording the results of these tests is a very important measure in helping us stop transmission in school. Please be sure to upload your results to both UCC and NHS via the links provided in the testing reminder e-mail.
Covid Vaccinations
We are pleased to announce that our students aged 12-16 will be offered their 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine (or first dose if they missed it) on Monday February 7th or Thursday February 10th. This service will be provided by the same team as before from the School Immunisation Service. Please take a look at the information letter attached. (See bottom of page)
Pre Public Exams
Our Year 11 students have been completing their PPEs throughout this week. These important mock exams have been conducted in conditions that replicate the public examinations due to take place in the summer. Our students have been superb with their conduct and application throughout the week; I have been very impressed with them. Thank you to the families of these young people who are supporting their children by creating the right conditions at home for revision and helping them prepare effectively for these assessments.
Please take the time to read through the Newsletter. I hope you have a great weekend.
Take care,
Mr B Solly