Parent Bulletin - 26/11/21

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC Families
This week I experienced Fat Stock for the first time, which considering this is my fifth year at UCC, was definitely overdue. We took 15 students from the UCC Young Farmers Club and it was a really great opportunity to see our students experience this local tradition. We even met that nice fellow Adam Henson from Countryfile, who spent a good amount of time talking to our students: One of our students, Katie, entered some of her own sheep, which she has been raising since the first lockdown, which was really impressive.
We also took 96 students from Year 11 to Harington School on Wednesday, to experience A Level taster sessions. Year 11 will be considering their Post 16 options very carefully over the next few weeks and we have a careers week series of activities planned through next week to support them with this.
I would like to reinforce the importance of Covid home testing on a twice weekly basis; please can you work with your children to ensure this is part of their weekly routine.
The temperature has certainly dropped this week and I wince when I see young people arriving at school without a warm coat. We have windows and doors open across the site during the day to ensure our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, but this does mean it is colder than would usually be the case in normal circumstances. Students are allowed to wear their coats in classrooms because of this, but they should not wear their coats instead of their blazers, as I have seen some doing this week. As the temperature has dropped, I have also noticed non-UCC jumpers and hoodies emerging - these are not acceptable at any point in school, unless it is a non-uniform day. These items should not be worn 'as a coat', which is an excuse I have heard a couple of times this week. I will remind students about this on Monday, along with the consequences of not meeting our uniform expectations, and I would appreciate parents supporting the school by reinforcing this message at home.
Thank you to everyone who got involved with Children in Need last week - we raised over £1300 - which is a fantastic effort.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Solly