Parent Bulletin 05/11/21
Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC Families,
It has been a fantastic first week back in school, following the half-term break. Our students have slotted straight back into learning across all curriculum areas and it has been wonderful to see a number of lessons throughout the week.
During half-term we completed a number of site enhancements across the school. I hope you enjoy viewing the images of some of these improved facilities in the newsletter. Specifically, we have improved the Exhibition Area with impressive new wall wraps that display our school values and quotes from all curriculum areas. We completed the work on our new Fitness Suite, which is absolutely superb, with the sound system finally being installed yesterday, ready for lessons next week. Additionally, we have invested in 7 outdoor table tennis tables which have proved very popular with students during lunchtime and after school. We are expecting the delivery of 4 new trampolines next week, which will be an excellent addition to the PE curriculum for our students. Combined with the enhanced Humanities classrooms that were rebuilt following the fire, and the creation of new Art, Graphics and English classrooms, the learning environment across the school has developed substantially in the past year, and we are delighted with how we have improved facilities for our students. We have further plans to continue improving classrooms and social spaces during February half-term and Easter, and I will update you all on these areas when they are completed.
Please be advised that the Oakham Vaccination Centre, (located at the Oakham Enterprise Park, Ashwell) has a walk-in clinic every Sunday in November from 10am - 1pm. They have lots of capacity to administer the vaccines - for anyone who wants to go along and get a head-start on the vaccine, before the team come into school on Monday 15 and Thursday 18 November.
Take care and have a great weekend
Mr Solly