COVID Vaccinations 12-16 year olds
Please see information regarding the Covid vaccination programme...
Please note should you wish to get a head-start and get your child vaccinated before the 15/18 November - there is a 'walk-in' centre every Sunday in November at the Oakham Enterprise Park between 10am - 1pm. Where they have plenty of capacity to get 12 - 15-year-olds vaccinated.
As per the email that will be sent to parents/carers the Community Immunisation team will be in school on Monday 15 (Y10 & 11) and Thursday 18 November (Y8 & 9 and any Y7s who are already 12) to administer the Covid vaccine for 12 - 16 year olds, where we have consent from parents.
Please note, any students are already 16:
The NHS is offering a 1st dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to people aged 16 and 17. You can book your appointment at a larger vaccination centre or pharmacy now, or wait to be invited to go to a local NHS service.
Please take some time to read the documents attached below for more information.