Music taster sessions

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Music Taster Sessions:
If you are interested in learning more about playing any instrument then please view the flyer and video links below. We are offering taster sessions on a variety of instruments, including the disciplines of Musical Theatre, through our Music Department at UCC to a limited number of students. Please sign up via SMHW or speak to Miss Nicklin direct.
Musical Theatre Course:
The Musical Theatre course is an awesome confidence building course. It truly is for students who enjoy the multi-talented skills in singing, dance and public speaking. It means that you can have terrific fun while earning UCAS points as you take exams and this can help you to get into a college of your choice or your preferred university. Students who enter this course audition well for performances at The Curve Theatre, Leicester or the Arts Centre in Stamford and for local productions. By Easter of year 11 you can have achieved a very high Grade 8 standard which relates well at A-Level.