Uniform update from Mr Solly

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Dear UCC families
This is slightly earlier in the week than my usual communication with you, but I would like to update you on a couple of topics.
Due to the very warm weather we are experiencing, we are allowing students to choose whether or not to wear their school tie from tomorrow. We still expect students to bring their blazer to school, but they will not be expected to wear them in lessons.
PE Kit
Our arrangements for PE kit have worked very well this year. Students are receiving close to 60 minutes of physical activity during PE lessons because time is not being wasted through the changing process. However, the standard of PE kit is dipping noticeably, and I would like your support in ensuring your child leaves the house every day they have a PE lesson, wearing the correct PE kit.
Face Coverings
Regarding face coverings, we are still asking students to wear them during lessons and in corridors. This is because we have cases of the new variant that have affected staff and student families in recent weeks, and we want to reduce the chances of spreading the virus as much as we can. I appreciate that this is not aligned with the government recommendations that face coverings are not required in secondary schools currently. However, for clarity, I would like to confirm that face coverings are optional for students in classrooms; the language we have used is that we are asking students to wear them, rather than saying they must wear them. I would also like to confirm that no sanctions will be given to students who choose not to wear them in classrooms. With regard to school buses and public transport, students must continue to wear face coverings.
Many thanks for your continued support of our school.
Mr Solly