Parent Bulletin 28/05/21

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear UCC families,
This week we experienced the annual milestone of saying goodbye to our Year 11 students. In 2020, the Year 11 cohort departed abruptly as the nation went into lockdown and schools closed. The rug was pulled out from under their feet at the last minute and we weren't able to say goodbye to them in the way we would normally do. This year hasn't been normal either, with Year 11 completing assessments in school, which are marked and graded by our teachers. However, both students and staff have risen to the challenge of these novel circumstances and pulled together brilliantly. Our Year 11s final day in school yesterday was an emotional one, full of smiles, shirt signing, laughter and reminiscing. The way our students conducted themselves throughout the day was indicative of their approach throughout the past five years and as a school we are tremendously proud of them. I know they will go onto incredible achievements throughout their lives.
Our catering team did a magnificent job yesterday too, providing Year 11 with their final UCC meal, and there was a lovely atmosphere amongst the students and staff throughout the afternoon. I observed many colleagues receiving kind, thoughtful and creatively sourced gifts (a lifesize George Michael cut out, and a maths statistics book with a secret compartment filled with Toffee Crisps, were the standout presents I saw) and this shows how much Team UCC have helped guide and shape these young people during their five years here. The emails and cards of thanks and gratitude that so many colleagues received are testament to the compassionate, personalised, and individual care that we have delivered for our students.
Since the last bulletin, we have made two great appointments. Mr J Leader will join us in August as a Teacher of Computer Science and Mrs C Sheffield will join us as the KS2-3 Transition Teacher. They will both be excellent additions to Team UCC. I must pass on my congratulations to Mrs K Baldwin, who secured a Teacher of English position at John Ferneley College earlier this week, starting in September. Mrs Baldwin has had a long association with UCC and I am delighted that she has achieved her first substantive teaching role.
If you are travelling abroad during half-term to any of the countries on the Amber list - please ensure that you let us know prior to Monday 7 June. Please also be advised that you will need to do the following, click on the link to view full Government Guidelines:
Red, amber and green list rules for entering England - GOV.UK The amber list is not exhaustive. If a country or territory is not on this list, you should not assume that it is a green or red list country or territory. |
We are unable to run the Activity Day on Thursday 15th July, as we had planned. The venues are not taking bookings for the number of places we require, and given the volume of work required in organising these events, we simply cannot wait any longer without making a decision. Therefore, we must unfortunately cancel this event; however, we have moved Sports Day to Thursday 15th July as a result, which is a good fit for the penultimate day of 2020-21.
We are upgrading our phone systems during half-term and this will mean that the service will only be intermittently available. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused, however we will have installed a modern and more reliable phone network when we return to school on June 7th.
That is all from me this week. I hope you have a great half-term break as a family.
Take care,
Mr Solly.