Parent Bulletin 07/05/21
Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear parents and carers
The bulletin this week will focus solely on communicating our plans for the rebuilding project. The plans are attached as a PDF and are a basic overview of what we are working towards to reinstate and improve the facilities that were damaged by the fire.
The highlights are as follows:
- We will create new Humanities classrooms that are spacious and well resourced. This will provide us with 7 Humanities classrooms in total, one more than we previously had.
- We will create a new fitness suite, almost three times as large as the previous one. This will be a superb addition to our already excellent PE facilities.
- We have already replaced the English classrooms which are being used to create the Fitness Suite and these are larger, brighter and much enhanced teaching spaces.
- We are establishing a modern approach to reading for our students. The previous library space is being used as Humanities classrooms - this is because such a large footprint was very rarely used during the school day and we wanted to make better use of this area to maximise learning opportunities for students. Instead we have subscribed to an online E-Library which gives our students free access to a huge range of books. Students can access these through phones and tablets from school and at home and Mrs Smithson is driving forward this project with great enthusiasm.
- We have also taken the opportunity to create better workspaces for our PE, English and Humanities colleagues. An important element of our school culture is collaboration and I know these areas will be well used by colleagues to plan and create exciting resources and opportunities for students.
Have a great weekend
Mr Solly