Parent Bulletin 19/03/21

Please see the latest bulletin from Mr Solly below...
Dear parents and carers,
After the elation we felt following a full and successful return to school last week, we were given a reminder of the stark reality of the pandemic yesterday. We were so disappointed to have to instruct all of Year 11 study at home for the next 7 school days and we acutely recognise how frustrating this will be for the students and their families. The student has now received positive confirmatory PCR test - we wish them and their family a swift recovery. Given that a significant proportion of the year group were identified as close contacts, we had no other viable option other than isolating the whole cohort. The move to remote learning for all Y11 students will mean they can all receive a consistent offer over the 7 school days they will miss; our teachers will do their very best to ensure the remote provision for students is of a high standard. We have reorganised the assessments for Year 11 and the new timetable is attached. There will be some subjects that conduct a second assessment in the first week back after the Easter break and we will publish details of this next week.
On Tuesday this week we closed down the Asymptomatic Test Site and returned our Drama Studio to its original intended purpose. I cannot thank the volunteers and school staff who contributed to this provision enough - they did a magnificent job and played a pivotal role in our re-start plans. Now that we have moved to home testing for students and staff, we are sending out a reminder email every Monday and Friday which contains the relevant links for recording the test results. We really appreciate the efforts families are going to in support of this home testing programme. Students will be given additional test kits so that they can continue to take tests at home during the Easter holiday. Families can order themselves test kits online for free by using this link.
Rutland County Council have produced a brochure containing information for families regarding activities that are available over the Easter break - this is included as a PDF with this bulletin.
Today our students have organised many fundraising activities for Comic Relief and as ever on charity days, there has been a wonderfully buoyant and joyful mood throughout the school. During challenging times we must always look for the light and remain optimistic. Today, through their generosity, thoughtfulness and kindness, our students have undoubtedly provided us with hope, optimism and a lot of laughter.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Solly