Home Testing
Please see all the information you need below regarding home testing...
We are asking students to routinely take a lateral flow test at home every Sunday and Wednesday evening.
The results, both negative and positive, must be reported to the NHS, the process for which is explained in the leaflet 'Your step-by-step guide for Covid-19 self-testing' (15 January 2021 Version 1.3.2). Please discard the older version inside the packs. You are also required to inform UCC. Links are included below for your convenience.
The results, both negative and positive, must be reported to:
1) NHS, please see 'Your step-by-step guide for Covid-19 self-testing' leaflet issued with the test kits. NHS link: www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
2) UCC via this link:
Only if your test is positive – please also e-mail covid@ucc.rutland.sch.uk stating your child’s name, tutor group and the date the test was taken. If your child receives a positive result for their LFD test you must order a confirmatory PCR test as soon as possible by following this link: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
We would like the tests to be completed every Sunday and Wednesday evening because a PCR confirmatory test is required if anyone records a positive test using the LFD Home Test kit.
This additional PCR test is to mitigate the issue of LFD tests producing some false positive outcomes. By taking the test on a Friday evening it allows students to book and complete the PCR test at a test centre if they record a positive LFD test and potentially return to College on Monday. Please see some examples to explain this further below:
Example 1 – positive lateral flow device test, followed by a negative PCR test
Example 2 – positive lateral flow device test, followed by a positive PCR test |
If you have any questions about the home testing process then please contact: rapidtesting@ucc.rutland.sch.uk
STAFF Home Testing:
UCC - http://bit.ly/3kMJLp1
NHS - www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Please note - anyone who has previously received a positive Covid PCR test, should not be retested using lateral flow (or PCR) tests within 90 days of that test, unless they develop new Covid-19 symptoms.