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Message to Yr11

Year 11 - please take some time to read and digest the update from Mr Solly regarding your GCSEs

Dear Year 11 students,

I imagine you felt like the rug was pulled from under your feet on Monday evening, when the Prime Minister announced that GCSE exams would not all be going ahead this summer. I know this will have been unsettling news and the lack of detail behind this announcement was deeply unhelpful.

However, further information has now been issued and we are a little clearer on what systems will be in place for awarding GCSE qualifications this summer. 

Below are the main points for you to be aware of:

  • Teacher assessments will be used to generate grades for GCSE qualifications
  • Teachers will receive training in the forthcoming months to ensure this is a fair process
  • No algorithms will be used, so that the issues encountered with the 2020 process are not repeated

A good summary of the current situation is on Schools Week (click this link)

What does this mean for Year 11 students? It means that it is essential for all Year 11 students to continue fully engaging with the online learning provided by teachers during this lockdown period. It means that when we do return to school, Year 11 will have a crucial few months in which to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding with their teachers, so that the most accurate grades can be awarded. It means you need to apply yourselves fully to your studies so that you achieve the grades you deserve and you are able to access the next stages of your education beyond UCC.

With regard to the planned Pre Public Exams that are scheduled for later this term, we are still anticipating these will take place, if schools are advised that it is safe and appropriate to conduct them. These would be used as further evidence to support Teacher Assessed Grades when awarding GCSE results. However, please be reassured that these would not be used as a 'high stakes', sole indicator for a Teacher Assessed Grade; we anticipate they would merely be another piece of evidence that we could use, along with work and assessments that have already been completed.

I appreciate that even with this update, there are still many unanswered questions, which I know you will be very keen to have resolved. I feel exactly the same and I will be submitting my views to the forthcoming Ofqual consultation to express my thoughts on how students should be treated fairly and appropriately in the issuing of GCSE grades. 

The staff at UCC understand the impact this announcement will have had on you; we will work diligently to support you during these final two terms at UCC, so that you are able to successfully complete your education here and access appropriate post 16 pathways.

As ever, we are available to you via email if you have any queries, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with the relevant person in school if you are unsure of anything.

I am sure further updates will emerge over the coming weeks and I will communicate these with you as soon as I am able to.

Take care and stay safe.
Mr Solly









Ben Solly


T: 01572 823631

London Road, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9TJ





Think workload and wellbeing. This email may have been sent at a time outside of our normal school working hours.  There is no expectation of an immediate reply; only respond at a convenient time during your normal working pattern.