URGENT - No Food available Thursday/Friday

Please see an Urgent Message below regarding the catering situation...
Good morning UCC parents,
Unfortunately, we received information this morning that a member of our catering team has tested positive for Covid. Consequently, we now have a severely depleted catering team for the final few days of term and this will affect our ability to provide a full food service for students.
Regarding the arrangements for today, we are able to provide a break time snack for the students who have pre-ordered, and also deliver a limited Christmas menu to each of the lunch zones.
However, for the remainder of the week we are only going to be able to deliver a very reduced service, so would be pleased if all parents could provide their children with a packed lunch on Thursday and Friday. If you have already placed an order for food, this will be cancelled but if this is going to cause significant problems, please do let us know.
We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause at the end of a very difficult term for everyone.