Safeguarding Feature
Please see more information about County Lines below
We've had some good feedback from parents about how worthwhile they have found the information and links we have shared about County Lines. We know some of the content has been quite distressing but we feel it is such an important topic.
This week we would like parents/carers to:
KNOW which children and young people are at an increased vulnerability of being exploited for criminal activity, including county lines. Some of these include:
-Those who have lived or are currently living in unstable home environments.
-Those who are socially isolated.
-Those in families where there are significant money issues, homelessness or where the family are frequently having to change accommodation.
For further reading, please use the link provided. When the new window has opened, scroll down to vulnerable groups, and click expand.,drugs%2C%20cash%20or%20even%20weapons.&text=Young%20people%20can%20have%20drugs,to%20pay%20the%20money%20back.
Fact of the Week:
Child Criminal Exploitation, particularly county lines has its own language. Listen out for some of these:
Going Country - this is a term that young people often use to describe county lines.
Trapping - the act of selling drugs or moving drugs from one town to another.
The Safeguarding Network has more information on these and more terms used. Use the link provided previously, to explore further.
We also have a video link, with families who describe their county lines experiences.