Parent Bulletin 18/09/20

Please take some time to read the parent bulletin from Mr Solly, there is a lot of important information to digest prior to students returning to school...
18th September 2020
Dear students, parents and carers,
I am delighted to be writing to you with the fantastic news that following our 2 staff training days, we are now ready to welcome back students to Uppingham Community College. The staff cannot wait to see your sons and daughters next week as we enter our phased return.
I have written to you many times recently so I would like to keep this communication as concise as possible. However, the start of term always involves a great deal of information, so please take the time to read through this carefully.
Below are the important reminders and updates that will ensure we have a smooth start to term:
PE kit
To reduce the risk of virus transmission in changing rooms I have decided that students should wear their PE kit to school on the days when they have PE lessons. Students will be expected to wear their blazers over the top of their kit whilst they are in school – permission will be granted by teachers in lessons to remove blazers if students get too warm. If a student wishes to get changed after their PE lesson, this is of course possible, but they must change into their school uniform. It is important that students wear the correct UCC PE kit; I would also strongly recommend bringing an extra pair of socks to school each day when you have PE!
Face coverings
We expect staff and students to be wearing a face covering when they are moving between lessons. This includes inside and outside spaces. Face coverings can be worn in lessons, but this is up to individuals to decide if they wish to do this. Face coverings are expected to be worn on bus journeys and students should keep these on until they reach their form room in the morning. If your child does not have a face covering, please let us know and we will source one for you. If your child is exempt from wearing a face covering, please let us know.
Hand and respiratory hygiene
We would like students to be responsible for bringing in their own hand sanitiser to school. However, we have installed sanitiser stations in corridors and classrooms so that students can sanitise their hands regularly. We would also like students to bring tissues with them to school to follow ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ recommendations for when they need to sneeze or blow their nose.
First day for each year group
Below is the table I have sent out previously, with the restart dates for each year group:
Monday 21st September |
Tuesday 22nd September |
Wednesday 23rd September |
Thursday 24th September |
Friday 25th September
Y11 |
Y7, 11 |
Y10, 11, 7 |
Y9, 10, 11, 7 |
Y8, 9, 10, 11, 7 |
On the first day for each year group, students should arrive on site and go directly to the Sports Hall.
First day for Year 7
The first official day of secondary school for Year 7 can be a daunting prospect. However, our Year 7s were magnificent last week during their team building event, where we explored the concept of belonging. We will have plenty of staff on hand to welcome Year 7 when they arrive on Tuesday 22nd September for their first day at UCC. Year 7 would normally have PE on a Week 2 Tuesday but there is no need to bring their kit for this first day; students will be expected to be wearing full school uniform.
Car drop offs and pick ups
It is possible to drop your child off in the morning before 08:30am, but we are trying to limit the number of vehicles on site due to the loss of car parking space. However, as I mentioned last week, if you wish to collect your child at the end of the school day, cars will not be allowed on site until 3:30pm.
Parents collecting students within the college day
When you arrive at the college, please remain in your car and telephone reception to inform them you have arrived to collect your child. As the college reception is a small area, we are only allowing one person in at a time, so you may be asked to wait outside for a short period.
Whilst in reception, face coverings are required at all times.
Our Safeguarding procedures remain unchanged so ID will be required when collecting your child. If someone else is collecting them on your behalf, who we don't have listed as one of your designated contacts, you will need to inform us in advance or we would need to contact you for consent.
Parents dropping off items for students
If you need to drop off any items for your child; these should be clearly labelled with your child's name and tutor group and left on the table in the foyer.
If your child has Covid-19 symptoms
If your son or daughter displays the symptoms of Covid-19 please do not send them to school. Please follow this checklist which outlines what you should do. Contact us if you are unsure.
Equipment reminder
Every student will be issued with a ‘Goodie-Bag’. This is a plastic folder which contains a mini whiteboard, whiteboard pen, whiteboard eraser, purple pen, glue stick and ‘traffic light’ cards. This will help our teachers assess how students are progressing during lessons whilst remaining at a 2m distance. Students need to bring this with them to school every day.
All students need to remember to bring their calculator, pens and pencils, and any exercise books they have been working during school closure.
Week 2
It is Week 2 on the school timetable for the week beginning 21st September. Students can access their timetable via Show My Homework.
Year 11 reminder
Year 11 are asked to bring in the Summer Pack work that they completed over the holiday period for each subject. The teachers will look over this work to help them assess the priorities for teaching this term. It is worth noting that this work was recommended, not compulsory. Year 11 will need to bring in their ‘Goodie-Bag’ that they were issued before the summer break; students who did not receive these will be issued them on the first day.
Food orders and buses
Specific emails have been sent regarding the system for food pre orders and bus arrangements. Our water fountains are no longer in use due to the increased risk of spreading the virus. Please can you ensure your child comes to school each day with plenty of water to drink.
Contact details
It is essential that we have up to date contact details for parents. If your phone numbers, addresses or emails have changed please let us know asap. If your child displays Covid-19 symptoms in school then we will need to contact you quickly, so please update us with any changes that have occurred.
Thank you for all the support in recent weeks and during the lockdown period. We are so happy to be finally restarting on Monday and we look forward to welcoming your sons and daughters back to UCC.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Solly