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Parent Bulletin

Please see the Parent bulletin, 27.03.20 below...

Dear parents and carers 

I hope this newsletter finds you all healthy, safe and well.  

I want to acknowledge the amazing work that you are doing for our students. I have no doubt that this week has presented many new challenges for families and I don't underestimate how difficult the experience of change has been for our young people and for you as parents. We are all facing a time of uncertainty and I know that you will also be conscious of the world outside as you attempt to set routines for home study. I know that for many of you this is something you are balancing alongside work, other children and other commitments. Given all of that context, I have no doubt that you are doing a great job under challenging circumstances. 

Our staff have been diligently setting work on a daily basis for students to complete. We are realistic with our expectations of students with this; there is no substitute for a teacher skilfully breaking down the content into understandable chunks and I know that completing learning tasks at home without this input from a professional can be really hard. Therefore, my advice to you as parents is to support your child as much as you are able to and encourage them to apply themselves fully to each task. Please do not worry if there is something they are unable to do, or do not fully understand. As long as the students do their best, that is all we can ask. My other piece of advice is for young people to read. Simply reading as many books as possible is one of the best things they can do at a time where they are stuck in the house. There are many free classic novels available online which you can download – here is a link to a useful page. I would also encourage you to visit the Home Learning page of our website which has many more online resources.  

We have recently sent out electronic food vouchers to our families who qualify for free school meals. However, if any of our families require support during this challenging time and you would like to request some support via these vouchers, please email

Finally, I would like to let you know that we will be seeking feedback from students, parents and staff regarding the home learning provision that has been set on Show My Homework. On Friday 3rd April, we will send out an online survey to seek your views following the first two weeks of us working in this way. We will then spend some time over Easter evaluating this feedback and we will make any amendments as necessary for the summer term. 

No one knows how long these arrangements will need to go on. However, I want to reassure you that even though UCC is now fully closed, we are still very much working in strong partnership with you. If anything, this partnership is even more important now. This is new for all of us and we are all learning, adapting and responding to the ever changing situation as best we can. It is important that we are all there for each other. 

Stay safe and well, 

Mr B Solly.