Key Workers 20/03/2020

Please see information below regarding key workers:
Dear parents and carers,
The definition for 'Key Workers' was released in the early hours of this morning. The link for this information is here.
The guidance is very clear; the places in schools from Monday should be limited to those who absolutely need it.
The provision from Monday at UCC will be organised in the following way:
All sessions will take place in the Maths block.
School Uniform is not required.
Study sessions are not taught. We will have teachers and support staff supervising students whilst they complete the work set by their teachers on Show My Homework.
Parents are responsible for transporting their child/children to and from school at the designated times. The school bus services will not be running.
Structure of the day -
08:30 - 09:00 - Breakfast. Students can be dropped off at the Maths Block any time between these times. Breakfast will be available for them.
09:00 - 11:00 - Study Session 1. Students will have access to laptops and will complete the work set by their class teachers on Show My Homework.
11:00 - 11:30 - Break. Students will have hot food snacks and cold drinks served from the Maths Block.
11:30 - 13:00 - Study Session 2. Students will have access to laptops and will complete the work set by their class teachers on Show My Homework.
13:00 - 13:45 - Lunch. Hot food / Paninis will be served from the Maths Block
13:45 - 15:10 - Study Session 3. Students will have access to laptops and will complete the work set by their class teachers on Show My Homework.
We have created an updated Online Form for you to complete. Please note, you do not need to complete this if you submitted the form sent out last night. Please click here to complete this new form. We have extended the deadline to 6pm for this form to be completed.
I will endeavour to send out one final communication to you all before the weekend as I am sure more details will emerge throughout the day.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Mr Solly