Message from Mr Solly 18/03/2020
Please see a message from Mr Solly that has been communicated this evening:
Dear parents and carers,
I am sure you will have all watched the press conference today with interest. There were some significant announcements and I want to take some time to digest the implications of these with my leadership team tomorrow. We still have so many unanswered questions and there will be some key decisions to make. I will communicate these as soon as I am able to tomorrow.
We will proceed with our plans for tomorrow as outlined in my earlier communication today.
I wish I could give you some greater clarity, however the vague messages and lack of detail from the announcements earlier mean that we need to spend some time unpicking how this will affect UCC students and their families.
I know Year 11 students will be desperate for details on how their qualifications will be awarded; we simply do not know at this point in time. I hope more information will emerge on this quickly.
Thank you for your patience and support, I will be in touch again tomorrow.
Yours faithfully
Mr Solly