Paris 2021
The Paris trip for Summer 2021 has been launched to the current Yr8s (they will be in Yr9 at time of travel) Please see more details below...
This is an opportunity for students to take part in the Modern Foreign Language trip to explore the capital of France. We depart Monday morning and return Friday night, travelling by coach and ferry. Such an experience is clearly an ideal opportunity for your son/daughter to experience first-hand the life, culture and language of France. A valid passport will be required
Dates: Monday 14 - Friday 18 June 2021
Cost: £515
Deadline for booking: Sunday 22 March 2020
Deposit required: £50 - Wisepay is open for bookings now
For full details, of what is included and what will happen in the event of the trip being over subscribed please see the trip sheet attached