Principal's Bulletin
Please read the latest bulletin from Mr Solly...
Dear parents and carers,
We have had a great week at UCC with lots going on across the school. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 had their school photographs taken and we think you will be delighted with how they look. We are using slightly different arrangements for school photos this year and more information about how you can purchase your child’s photo will be sent out to you very soon.
We have also been reflecting on the new timings of the day following our first full cycle of our two-week timetable. The movement time between lessons has meant that learning is starting promptly and there is a very purposeful start to each lesson.
Over this past year we have spent a great deal of time talking to our students about the UCC school values of respect, honesty and kindness. I ask everyone in the school community to model these consistently and I have been delighted to see so many students receiving achievement points from our staff for demonstrating these values around school.
Last night we hosted a Supporting Success Evening for our Year 10 parents. I would like to thank everyone who attended, and Mr Anderson and Mr Brooks for delivering the event. The resources from this presentation will be made available very soon.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mr Solly